Matthildur uppskrift

Oft er hægt að nota sömu prjónauppskrift fyrir barn og fullorðna einfaldlega með því að skipta um prjónastærð. Þessi uppskrift er gerð fyrir 3mm, 4mm og 5mm prjóna og þar með henta stærðirnar fyrir eins árs og upp í fullorðna.  


Garn. Nordic mini, Nordic eða Saga Wool 


Litur A – 500, 580, 650, 700 metrar. Athugið, ef peysan á að vera síð þarf meira af lit A.  

Litur B – 60, 70, 80, 90 metrar.  

Litur C – 50, 55, 65, 80 metrar.  


Stærðir og prjónfesta 


Stærð 1  

3 mm prjónar  

Prjónafesta 10x10 cm  

29 lykkjur x 39 umferðir  

Garn - Nordic mini  

4 mm prjónar  

Prjónfesta 10x10 cm  

20 lykkjur x 23 umferðir  

Garn - Nordic  

5 mm prjónar  

Prjónfesta 10x10 cm  

16 lykkjur x 20 umferðir  

Garn – Saga Wool  


52 cm  

76 cm  

95 cm  

Ermalengd með stroffi  

20 cm  

32 cm  

40-43 cm  

Búklengd með stroffi  

20 cm  

32 cm  

40-43 cm  

Passleg fyrir aldur  

1 árs  

5-6 ára  


Stærð 2  





54 cm  

80 cm  

100 cm  

Ermalengd með stroffi  

21 cm  

35 cm  

40-50 cm  

Búklengd með stroffi  

21 cm  

35 cm  

40-50 cm  

Passleg fyrir aldur  

2 ára  

7-8 ára  


Stærð 3  





60 cm  

88 cm  

110 cm  

Ermalengd með stroffi  

23 cm  

38 cm  

40-50 cm  

Búklengd með stroffi  

23 cm  

38 cm  

40-50 cm  

Passleg fyrir aldur  

3 ára  

9-10 ára  


Stærð 4  





66 cm  

96 cm  

120 cm  

Ermalengd með stroffi  

30 cm  

40 cm  

40-50 cm  

Búklengd með stroffi  

30 cm  

40 cm  

40-50 cm  

Passleg fyrir aldur  

4 ára  

11-12 ára  



Peysan er prjónuð ofan frá og niður. Stuttar umferðir eru gerðar á bakstykki til að hækka hálslíninguna fyrir fallegra snið.  



Size guide

The size chart of this item can be found in the image gallery. All sizes are based on European sizes. Swipe through the images, before selecting a colour or size to find the size chart.

1.200 kr
Afhending og skilaréttur Afhending og skilaréttur

Þegar vara er pöntuð á netinu eru gefnir upp valmöguleikar sem leyfa þér að velja á milli þess að fá vöruna senda heim eða sækja vöru í verslun. Ef valið er að sækja vöruna þá er hægt að velja milli þess að sækja pöntunina í Icewear Magasín. Pöntun er tilbúin til afhendingar í verslun 2-4 virkum dögum eftir að pöntun berst og er geymd að hámarki í tvær vikur.

Ef valið er að fá vöruna senda heim innanlands er varan send með Íslandspósti. Við gerum okkar besta við að afgreiða pantanir sólarhring eftir að þær berast. Ef pantað er eftir hádegi á föstudegi er sú pöntun afgreidd á næsta mánudag.


Skilafrestur á nýjum vörurm er 30 dagar frá kaupum í verslun eða afhendingu úr vefverslun. Vara skal vera í upprunalegu ástandi, þ.e. ónotuð, óþvegin og allar merkingar eða umbúðir fylgi. Sjá meira hér


Product Care Information

Following are general washing instructions and product care for your Icewear clothes. Please read the care label thoroughly before washing your garment. Washing instructions may vary between similar garments. If you are still unsure about how to wash your product, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Before washing your Icewear clothes, it is important to make sure that the detergent compartment of your washing machine is clear of any detergent or softener. You may want to run your washing machine empty for one cycle on a hot wash to clear it of any detergent or softener residues.

(Icelandic wool sweaters / angora wool sweaters / lined sweaters)

Handwash only or use a dry cleaner that has the properties and care requirements needed to wash Icelandic wool. Use lukewarm water and a special wool soap. Do not use any soap that contains dyes or perfumes. Soak the garment for about 10-15 minutes. Do no rub or wring. Rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water. Squeeze as much water as possible and then wrap it in a towel and squeeze again. Do not wring or rub the garment. Lay the garment flat out on a towel and pull gently into shape. Do no hang your Icelandic wool sweater, since the weight of the water will stretch the wool. Best course of action is to fold the sleeves across the body of the sweater, so they don’t stretch. Icelandic wool needs rare washing.

Wool blankets
We recommend that you hang your wool blankets occasionally outdoors in the fresh air for a couple of hours. If washing is required, we suggest dry cleaning only. For your Icelandic wool blankets, please use a dry cleaner that is familiar with the care requirements for Icelandic wool.

Merino wool
Wool has natural antibacterial properties which can help keep body odor in check. Therefore consider airing the garment before washing. Machine wash at low temperature, 85°F / 30°C maximum. Machine wash only if a handwash or wool wash program is available on the machine. Do not use fabric softeners or bleach. Do not tumble dry. Do not rub or wring. Dry flat.

Cotton / Fleece
Wash with similar colors, at 30°C / 85°F temperature. We recommend turning the garment inside out before washing it. Do not tumble dry.

Softshell / Hardshell
Close all zippers, patches and flaps. Machine wash at low or moderate temperature (max 85°F / 30°C) on a gentle cycle. Use a liquid detergent designed for technical apparel, as the wrong detergent can ruin the water-repellent surface of the garment. Do not use washing powder as it can clog the pores of the garment and therefore ruin its breathability. Never use fabric softener, water softener or bleach. Allow the machine to rinse thoroughly with clean water, even use an extra-rinse function if available on your washing machine. This is to make sure the garment is free of any residue. The more you wash the garments, the more it will affect the performance of the clothes. Do not dry on a radiator or hang it up too close to a fire.

Renewing the DWR (Durable Water Repellence)
Good DWR will allow water to bead up and fall off the jacket. If the garment is not functioning this way and you’re getting wet, you may need to reproof it, using Nikwax or another reproofing product.

Rain coats and pants
Before washing your rainwear please close all zippers. Machine wash at low or moderate temperature (max 85°F / 30°C) on a gentle cycle. Use a mild detergent. Hang up to dry, do not tumble dry or iron. Cleaning the garment with a wet cloth can often substitute machine wash.

Light Down jackets
Before washing your light down jacket make sure all zippers, patches and flaps are closed and turn product inside out. Use detergent specifically designed for down or technical outerwear. Household detergent and softener will damage the down and strip the fabric of its water-resistant coating. Tumble drying at low temperature with dryer balls is the best way to fluff the down back into shape. The drying may take time and you may need to restart your dryer a few times before the down is completely lump-free, dry and fluffy. Do not set the dryer to high heat as this may damage the seams and outer shell fabric. If you feel nervous about damaging your down coat, consider taking it to the dry-cleaners.

Polyester-filled Parkas and Jackets
Please read care-label before washing. Some parkas need to be dry-cleaned and other parkas can be washed in a washing machine. IF the parka can be machine washed according to the care-label, only use detergents that are specifically designed for technical apparel from reputable brands, such as Nikwax or Grangers. Make sure all zippers, patches and flaps are closed. Check your garments care label for water temperature and wash on a gentle cycle. Remove hood trims if possible. We recommend hanging the garment up to dry. Do not tumble dry. Household detergent and softener will strip the fabric of its water-resistant coating. Never use fabric softener, water softener or bleach.

If unsure about washing, consider an experienced dry-cleaner.

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