Gréta/Grétar knitting kit

Gréta & Grétar knitting kit
Niveau de compétence de motif

Gréta and Grétar is a beautiful timeless baby set for the most important people. It is good to have some knitting experience to make this pattern. (Intermediate knitters).

The pattern has previously been published in Lopi and band knitting magazine. Design: Margrét Linda Gunnlaugsdóttir.


Sizes 4-6 months 9-12 months 18 months

Bust circumference 23.5 in (60 cm) 25 in (64cm) 26.5 in (68 cm)

Length 11 in (28 cm) 12 in (30 cm) 12.5 in (32 cm)

Sleeve length 6 in (15 cm) 6.5 in (16 cm) 6.5 in (17 cm)



Baby Wool from Icewear, 100 % merino wool

Quantity: 150 g 200 g 250 g

8 buttons



US 4 (3.5 mm) circular needle

US 4 (3.5 mm) double pointed needles

Cable needle



4 x 4 in (10 x 10 cm) = 22 sts and 42 rounds in pattern knitting on US 4 (3.5 cm) needles.



Begin knitting the back, flat. Continue knitting over the shoulders and then the front pieces are knitted flat, separately. The sleeves are knitted top down from the armholes. The sides are sewn together.

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Gréta/Grétar knitting pattern   + 6 €

36 €

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